One Mile/Run/Walk - LIVE
10K Run - LIVE
5K Run - LIVE
One mile - Woof Walk
99 spots left. Price increases after May 30, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
2024 Star and Stripes Sponsors:
Laura & Scott Tobe
Karen Bouchard
Why do we do it?
Why do we do it?
Your support and our time are used to help children in our area. Kiwanis is about the Kids. We are volunteers making a difference in children's lives.
I promise you that all money we net is put into our programs and local organizations who help children that need our help.
Who we support through the Dunedin Kiwanis Foundation:
House of Mercy & Encouragement
Amputee Summer Camp scholarships
Terrific Kids Program and Adopt a Class at:
Curtis Fundamental, Dunedin, Garrison-Jones & San Jose Elementary Schools
Garrison-Jones Fall Festival
Leadership & Service Clubs at:
Dunedin High School – Key Club
Dunedin Highlander Middle School – Builders Club
Dunedin & San Jose Elementary K Kids Clubs
Builders Club Kiwanis Clothes Kloset at DHMS
Free Swim Lessons for 3- to 11-year-olds at the Dunedin Highlander Pool
VPK swim lessons at San Jose Elementary
Special Olympic Team
And other children's organizations that need our help.
Do you want to join the fun and get to know Kiwanis?
Visit an event or our meeting.
or email:
You can make a difference! There is a Kiwanis club in your city. Check us out!
Current Race UPDATES
Thank you for supporting the Kiwanis Midnight Run! We hope you enjoyed your run! July 3, 2025 is now open to register.
The bad weather stayed to the north. Only the woof walk was affected by a very light rain that actually felt good. Many thanks to Paws and Claws Animal Hospital for sponsoring our inaugural Woof Walk. The fur babies were well behaved and enjoyed their walk on the Causeway.
Thank you to for the pictures that he posted on our site. You all looked good!
Thank you!!! The children thank you too!
Ele Fox, 2024 Race Director
2024 Kiwanis Midnight Run Photo Gallery
by PJ Greene
View all photos:
Where to pick up your runner packet
Packet pick up in 2025 will be the same location as 2024.
Details will be posted in May 2025.
Race night Registration will be at 501 Causeway Blvd. next to Frenchy's Stone Crab & Seafood Market
For our out of town VIRTUAL runners who have not picked up their packet, it will be mailed within 10 days.
If you have any questions, please contact / subject line: Midnight Run
Become a sponsor in 2025
By becoming a sponsor your business will be part of the LIVE run.
This section has the sponsor sign-up sheet for the LIVE run. Deadline for Eagle and above is June 1st to be on the tee shirt.
Our event has been a consistent part of the running scene and the community for 45 years. We draw on the average of 1,000 participants annually not to mention the supporting crowds and volunteers, plus our virtual runners.
The Kiwanis Foundation of Dunedin, Inc. 501c3 dba the Kiwanis Midnight Run for tax deductions.
This year our LIVE run will start and finish in front of Frenchy's Outpost Bar and Grill.
If for some reason the live run is cancelled for reasons beyond our control.....we will shift to the virtual run and your sponsorship will be honored in the 2026 LIVE run as well.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Age Divisions for LIVE 2024
AGE DIVISIONS for our LIVE July 3, 2024 runs on Dunedin Causeway.
Join us on July 3, 2024 to compete for the top 3 awards in each age division and overall winners.
There are no age divisions for One Mile Run.- top 5 men and top 5 women will receive a commemorative certificate.
The 5K and 10K top three male and top three female times in each age division will receive a commemorative certificate.
Overall winners of the 5K and 10K male and female will receive a prize along with their framed certificate.
The 5K and 10K Run age divisions are:
5K and 10K
13 & under
14-17 51-55
18-20 56-60
21-25 61-65
26-30 66-70
31-35 71-75
36-40 76-80
41-45 81-84
46-50 85-89
90 and over
2024 Medal Sponsor Level - for LIVE runs
Sponsors will be part of our LIVE run advertising.
All logos for the tee shirt sponsors need to be in vector format and jpg for the website. Deadline is June 3, 2024.
There is a new sponsor level for our Woof Walker friends. If you would like to be on the bandanas that are being given to fur babies and their owners, please contact
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Would you like to be a Vendor in 2025?
Our race has been a steady presence on the local run circuit for 45 years and draws more than a thousand participants and spectators a year.
If you will be providing a service or product to our runners, your space is free.
If you are selling a product, there is a $100 vendor fee.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

We hope that you will continue to join us in the spirit of supporting the children in our local communities. We will have the LIVE or VIRTUAL choice in 1 Mile, 5K and 10K options. Register before June 1, 2025 to be guaranteed a commemorative tee shirt.
We have added a new fun event for our fur dog babies and their owners. The Woof Walk will start at 10:15 pm on July 3, 2025. Receive matching bandanas.
The live races will start and finish in front of Frenchy's Outpost Bar and Grill, 466 Causeway Blvd. Pre-registration and Race night registration will begin at 9:30 pm.
The live runs are on Dunedin Causeway. The 10K run turns around in Honeymoon Island. The course will have lanterns and directional signs, but we recommend that you bring a head light to improve your visibility for the bridges. Bug spray is also suggested. Honeymoon Island is a beautiful natural park.
In case of an unforeseen situation, you will have the option of going virtual OR defer your registration to July 3, 2026. Sorry no refunds.
For our virtual runners, the date for the virtual runs is Thursday, July 3 for the entire day. You can run any day before July 3rd, but it confuses the live runners to see an earlier date. We are not using Race Joy this year. If you want your time recorded on the site, you will be able to manually submit your time under participant registration.;perpage:10
You will still be able to pick up your packet. See Packet Pick up information.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
2024 Kiwanis Midnight Run Winners
Both 5K and 10K runs were certified through Fitniche Events.
Female 5K Overall Winner - Nathalia Mallo - 20:18 Female 10K Overall Winner - Brennan Baryza - 41:51
Male 5K Overall Winner - Brody Waltz - 16:59 Male 10K Overall Winner - Benjamin Goldberg - 36:37
For more race results, click the "Results" link here or in the heading of the main page.
Kiwanis Midnight Run Time Records
Female 5K - 2021 - Haley Thornton - 17:23 Female 10K - 1990 - Judy Mercon - 36:23
Male 5K - 2005 - Kevin Lyon - 15:41 Male 10K - 1985 - Irwin Batten, Jr. - 31:01
For more race results, click the "Results" link here or in the heading of the main page.
In 2024 the Midnight Run in partnership with Dunedin Cares Food Pantry will continue the tradition of having a raffle. When you make a donation of food or money, you will receive a raffle ticket. The winner will be announced at 11:00 pm. Must be present to win.
Dunedin Cares wish list:
Pasta Sause!!!, Canned Chicken/Tuna!!!, Canned Fruit!!!, Syrup, Pancake Mix, Instant Oatmeal Packets, Rice, Mayo/Mustard, Ketchup, Cooking oil, Soup, Canned Pasta, Sugar/Four, Paper towels, Ramen, canned fruits, Toilet Paper, Tissues, Feminine Hygiene Products.
Thank you for supporting our community!
If you forget to donate at the run, you can also drop your donation to their facility, 1630 Pinehurst Rd in Dunedin.
Their hours are - Monday thru Saturday - 9:30 am to 12PM
If you don't live nearby, check out the food pantry in your community. Give where you live!
Thank you !!!!!!!
Join Kiwanis and make a difference for children in your community.
Kiwanis is a worldwide organization that has one purpose.....changing the world one child and one community at a time.
Each city has a Kiwanis Club full of caring volunteers who make a difference. Our division has a club in Largo, Clearwater, Countryside/Oldsmar, Dunedin, Palm Harbor, Safety Harbor, and in New Port Richey, Pasco County.
For more information contact: Ele Fox, the Midnight Run race director - of call/text me at 727-647-3365.
The Dunedin club meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 - Dunedin Community Center, 1920 Pinehurst Rd. and on the 2nd Thursday at 6:00 pm at different locations in Dunedin for social get togethers.
Make a difference in a child's life and have fun making new friends!
Thank you
Dunedin, FL US 34697-0041
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.